Dear friends of BibleScholars and Dr. Roy Blizzard,
We first of all want to wish for all of you a Happy and Joyous Holiday Season, whether it be Hanukkah or Christmas. Secondly, we want to inform you that BibleScholars has posted some of our unique and exceptional materials on YouTube for easy access and at no cost to you. This series includes thirteen 30 minute videos “The Quest” In Search of the Historical Jesus. This series was produced a number of years ago with Dr. Blizzard and features some of the top scholars in the field of biblical studies, including many who are no longer with us. Consider this as our special gift from BibleScholars to you. Starting in the immediate future we will be posting to BibleScholars additional articles and materials and we are planning on additional interviews with Dr. Blizzard and other scholars.
As our special gift to you we want to announce that we have posted on YouTube the first video in the series “Treasures of the Jewish World”. This video is from the Temple Mount and shows what may possibly be the future location of the Temple. This video should be seen by everyone. As a favor to BibleScholars and to your friends please contact everyone on your mailing list and tell them about this exceptional video.
At this special season of the year we would like to let you know how much we have appreciated your past assistance and support for BibleScholars and for anything you might be lead to do at this special season of gift-giving. The best address for BibleScholars and Dr. Blizzard is P.O. Box 3568, Joplin Mo, 64803.
Please do let us know what you think of these new videos that we have posted for you on YouTube. Again, thanks for your support and best wishes to you all!
The Bible Scholars Staff and Dr. Roy Blizzard