It must strike the general reader of the Bible as being strange, if true, that no such person as the devil of traditional theology appears in the Old Testament. Yes, a “Satan” appears in some scriptures, but it is never developed theologically. When we get to Christianity, the doctrine of the devil is only second to the doctrine of God. In many circles, the devil has become an indispensable part of the machinery of faith and piety. Dr. Barry Fike has done extensive research over the past few years looking into the background of “Ha-Satan” that involves an exegesis of key scriptures, a reinterpretation of the original Hebrew concept according to the Jews, and a brief history of how the church has misinterpreted the original idea of Satan resulting in the understanding that is most common today concerning a fallen angel. What is the truth? Get his latest book “The Satanic Myth” and delve into a study recommended by Dr. Blizzard for the ardent student of God’s word.