This is an announcement to inform you as followers of Bible Scholars, that Dr. Roy Blizzard is in dire need of having medical procedures performed to renew his teeth, hearing and vision. The estimated cost of these procedures is $53,000! So far we have raised about $9700. I think that all of us have benefited from the scholarship of Dr. Blizzard that we could not get from any other Bible scholar. Please consider helping to pay Dr. Blizzard back by helping him with his medical expenses. Here is the link to the GoFundMe site setup for Dr. Blizzard: GoFundMe. We need to hit the target of $50,000. If you are sending a check via Fedex, please contact us directly.
Dr. Roy Blizzard
2200 4th Ave. #212
Canyon, Texas 79015.
My sincere thanks,
Andrew Garza
Bible Scholars